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2008 / Present


Navarone is a rock band rooted in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. The five-piece was founded in 2008, but worked four years to sharpen their songs, sounds, vision and live show. In September 2012 Navarone self-released their debut album A Darker Shade Of White, which was recorded live in a former pig shed in Limburg and was mixed by Grammy Award winning engineer Vance Powell (Jack White, Beck, The Raconteurs). The album release show sold out in just 10 days and the press unanimously praised A Darker Shade Of White for its unique and innovatory interpretation of 70’s rock and the uncompromised way it has been released. During their live shows Navarone drags you from gloomy and hypnotizing soundscapes to high-energy rock ‘n roll, with the powerful high voice of frontman Merijn van Haren and the filthy, interwoven guitar licks of the band’s guitar-twins Roman Huijbreghs and Kees Lewiszong being the absolute ear catchers.

Navarone has the soul of 70’s rock, with the urgent bite of the future.

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