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1998 / Present


Dead Man Ray is a Belgian rock band. Among its members are Daan Stuyven, Rudy Trouvé, Elko Blijweert, Wouter Van Belle and Herman Houbrechts, who was later replaced by drummer Karel De Backer. The band was best known for their experimental way of making rock music: cutting & pasting song fragments next to eachother to produce one song. This methodology was used throughout the first two cd's (Berchem and Trap). For their third LP Dead Man Ray chose to 'renew' their sound and play a song in its entirety without experimenting with it. Their biggest 'hits' were Chemical, Woods and Landslide.

Their last album (Cago) dates from 2002. This album was recorded in Chicago and produced by Steve Albini.

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Rudy Trouvé
since 1996 Background vocals, Electric guitar
Daan Stuyven
since 1996 Electric guitar, Lead vocal
Elko Blijweert
since 1996 Electric guitar
Wouter Van Belle
since 1998 Keyboard
Karel De Backer
since 2000 Drum set
Steven Holsbeeks
since 2019 lib/muslib/membership_type_1, Keyboard
Herman Houbrechts
since 1997 till 2000 Drum set
Geert Vanbever
since 2002 till 2002 Guitar

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