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12 Oct 1929 — 20 Sep 2008


Nappy Brown is the stage name of Napoleon Brown Culp (born October 12, 1929, died September 20, 2008). Nappy Brown's earliest musical influences were blues and gospel. As a youngster he performed in several gospel groups, including the Heavenly Lights. Nappy's singing eventually brought him in touch with Herman Lubinsky's Newark, NJ Savoy label, which signed him in the early 1950s to compete with shouters like Roy Brown, Wynonie Harris and Big Joe Turner. Brown's unique delivery featuring rolled consonants allegedly led Lubinsky to exclaim, "Well, what do you know, a colored guy who sings Yiddish! This must be my lucky day!"

A big man with an incredible amount of energy, Nappy soon became famous for his wild stage antics. Touring with the likes of Little Richard and Jackie Wilson, Nappy always got the crowds involved in his performances, often getting in the audience down on his knees and singing or dancing with the ladies.

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