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Dernière Volonté (French for "last will" or "last wish" before execution) is a project of French musician Geoffroy D. (assisted by Pierre Pi). Earlier work is seen as martial industrial, dark ambient or martial ambient, emphasising atmosphere, rhythm, and historical samples, rather than vocals and melody. Recent work, from "Les blessures de l'ombre" (2003), is typically seen as military pop, with verse-chorus song structures and pop melodies.

Dernière Volonté is controversial for its considerable use of fascist imagery, style, and voice samples, and of themes from European fascism and the Second World War. The first album "Obéir et mourir" (1998 cassette, remastered and re-released as Cd in 2005), includes the tracks "Le travail rend libre (Arbeit Macht Frei, the slogan on the gates of Auschwitz), "La force par la joie (Strength Through Joy, Kraft durch Freude, the mass leisure organisation of the Nazi Party), "Roma 39 Axe II" (Rome 1939 Axis II) and "A. Speer" (Albert Speer, Hitlers's architect, and later Reich Minister for Armaments and War Production).

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