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1988 / Present


"Монгол Шуудан" means "Mongolian Postal Service" in Mongolian language. This unusual choice is explained the band vocalist Valeri Skoroded very simply: the band was standing at a bus stop by a Soyuzpechat booth and their eyes were caught by fancy postage stamps with exotic words "Монгол Шуудан" on them. (Note: Mongolian is written in Cyrillic alphabet.)

The group's music was mostly anti-governmental, pro-anarchist in its message, with the group identifying themselves with the Black Army of the Russian Civil War More accurately Mongol Shuudan associated themselves with the Makhnovshchina, the peasant-anarchist guerilla army led by Nestor Makhno.

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Валерий Скородед
since 1988 Guitar, Lead vocal, Acoustic guitar
Игорь Лапухин
since 1990 till 1991 Guitar

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