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02 Jan 1985


Marius Neset (born 2 January 1985 in Os, Hordaland) is a Norwegian jazz saxophone player and composer. In 2003 he moved to Copenhagen to study at the Rhythmic Music Conservatory. It was there that he met and studied with British keyboard virtuoso and composer Django Bates. Bates was quick to recognize the young man’s talents and Neset has been a member of Bates’ stoRMChaser big band since 2005. More recently, he has joined his former teacher’s small group Human Chain and played with the group to great acclaim at Ronnie Scott’s early in 2010.

Michael Brecker was Neset’s first influence on saxophone but he also learned a lot from Jeff Harrington, when he spent a semester at Berklee College of Music in 2002. To these early influences, Neset has more recently added those of Wayne Shorter and the tenor sax giant Joe Henderson. Neset is a very strong rhythm player and perhaps that is his greatest debt to Henderson.

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