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25 Oct 1990 — 21 Nov 2012


Austin Peralta was an American jazz pianist. He was born October 25th, 1990, in Santa Monica, California and died on November 21st 2012. His father is famous Z-Boy skater and documentary filmmaker Stacy Peralta.

Austin was awarded the Shelly Manne New Talent Award by the Los Angeles Jazz Society and Flip Manne in 2003 at age 11. Austin played with Adam Rudolph’s Go: Organic Orchestra (on flute), singer Dwight Trible, the Gerald Wilson Orchestra, performed a piano quartet with Chick Corea, Hank Jones, and Hiromi Uehara, as well as appeared at various festivals around the world including the Playboy Jazz Festival, the Jazz Baltica Festival, the Tokyo Jazz Festival, and the Jakarta Jazz Festival. Austin recorded his debut album for Sony Japan/Village Records/88's entitled "Maiden Voyage" with Ron Carter- bass and Billy Kilson- drums.

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