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1969 / Present


Thin Lizzy are an Irish hard rock band who formed in Dublin, Ireland in 1969. The band were led throughout their recording career by bassist, songwriter and singer Phil Lynott, and are best known for their songs Whiskey in the Jar, Jailbreak and The Boys Are Back in Town, all major international hits still played regularly on hard rock and classic rock radio stations. After Lynott died, various incarnations of the band have emerged over the years culminating in a more stable line-up based around guitarists Scott Gorham and John Sykes. Sykes left the band in June 2009.

Thin Lizzy's leader, Lynott was composer or co-composer of almost all their songs. He was also one of the few black men to achieve significant success in hard rock. As well as being multiracial, the band drew its members not only from both sides of the Irish border but also from both the Catholic and Protestant communities. Their music reflects a wide range of influences, including country music, psychedelic rock, Irish music and traditional Irish folk music, but is generally classified as hard rock or heavy metal.

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Ricky Warwick
since 2010 Guitar, Lead vocal
Phil Lynott
since 1969 till 1983 Lead vocal, Bass
Marco Mendoza
since 1996 till 2001 Bass
since 2005 till 2007 Bass
since 2010 till 2012 Bass
Scott Gorham
since 1974 till 1983 Unknown
Tommy Aldridge
since 1998 till 2001 Drum set
since 2007 till 2009 Drum set
Damon Johnson
since 2011 till 2017 Electric guitar
Brian Robertson
since 1974 till 1978 Unknown
Vivian Campbell
since 2010 till 2011 Electric guitar
Gary Moore
Midge Ure
Eric Bell
Snowy White
John Sykes

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