dev stack:
Reino Unido
English Español Русский
1994 / Presente

Historia Christ Denied

CHRIST DENIED is a two-men project band formed by David Nigger (ex-INTOXICATION) on guitars, bass and programming and Dave Rotten (AVULSED) on vocals & all band concept.

The whole thing started back in early '94 when D. Nigger showed to D. Rotten some songs that he entirely did (without vocals) for INTOXICATION, but at that time, this band was nearly dead, so then became the idea of doing this project with the sole purpose of making truly brutal Death Metal without any other kind of influences, just maintaining this style in its purest form.

All songs are written by D. Nigger who after recording them on his own 4-tracker, gives to D. Rotten a rough version to put in the vocals and lyric parts. In late May '94, with just having only two songs (one even without vocals!!), they were recorded to their friend Olaf from MORBID RECORDS in Germany with the aim of letting him to listen how CHRIST DENIED sounded like, but surprisingly he replied offering to do a double split 7"EP with another grind band. Of course, this deal was accepted and two more songs were written to complete their part of the split.

This part is entitled "Thy Horned God" and contains one instrumental intro plus four songs, one of them being a cover of INFERNÄL MÄJESTY. It was recorded on a simple 4-tracker at Nigger's bedroom, and the guitars were played through a 15W amplifier, but the result was really good.

In January '95, even before that the split double 7"EP came out, the band received a deal from another German label called GULLI RECORDS, this time for a full length album. This offer was gladly accepted.

The album, entitled "...Got What He Deserved", was recorded on 16-tracks at Codigo Track studio in October and re-mixed at El Jardin Parametrico in November '95. It contains 7 new songs plus two from the 7"EP and a cover version of early ONSLAUGHT with their song "Angels Of Death".

This album has been re-released through QABALAH PRODUCTIONS, a sublabel of REPULSE RECORDS from Spain, in June '98 with a new layout design and a cover artwork made by Joe Petagno.

In summer '99, a new split 7"EP was supposed be released with US Gods of brutal Death/ Grind MORTICIAN on QABALAH PROD. But this band decided not to do it in the last minute for reasons still unknown, so a new deal was settled with belgian new label SOULREAPER RECORDS for a split 7"EP with also belgian ABORTED, but the label decided to do a Split MCD instead, due to come out in March 2000. Then an extra song was recorded for this release, being a cover of PYREXIA's "The Uncreation".

Then in November '99, a new offer was received from japanese label MACABRE MEMENTOS RECORDS for a split CD with italian BASTARD SAINTS. This deal was accepted and then four new songs plus a cover of GORAPHOBIA's "Demented Omen Of Masochism" were recorded during the first days of the millennium, together with the PYREXIA cover. This Split CD was released in June 2000.

In September 2001, David Nigger moved to Germany and he's living there since then, so the band is now put on ice, but this does not mean the end of the band, it's just a resting period!! There are plans to record a second full length even with the distance.

In January 2004, the US label Goregiastic Records contacted CHRIST DENIED for the release of a CD including all the non-album stuff by the band. This offer was accepted by the band so this way "Drink... Drink The Blood!" was finally released in April 2004.

The band is, since summer 2000, in an hibernation status since David Nigger moved to live in germany, but it's the band's intention to record a second full length album sometime in the future, following the style on their latest recording.

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