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Necrophobic concerts

Necrophobic upcoming concerts

Information about Necrophobic

Necrophobic is currently not performing live..

There are two bands named Necrophobic.

The more popular was formed in 1989 in Stockholm, Sweden by guitarist David Parland and drummer Joakim Sterner to give the world a band that created unholy death metal. Necrophobic had a few different influences and focused more on creating a much more dark and evil sounding music, in the beginning influenced by Morbid Angel, Slayer and Bathory.

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Past Events

Few past concerts by Necrophobic

Feb 2019


Information about tickets

Information about tickets to Necrophobic concerts

MusicHearts does not sell Necrophobic concert tickets, we show which official ticket operator has them available with the option to purchase. We act as an aggregator, choosing and showing the best deals.
We recommend buying an electronic ticket (e-ticket). It can be purchased and paid directly on the operator's website, printed out and brought to the concert with a printout (don't forget your passport). So visiting the Necrophobic concert will be as comfortable as possible.