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1965 / Настоящее время


The Chocolate Watchband, was a garage rock-band formed in San Jose, California in 1965. The band had finally broken up indefinitely by 1970 but then reunited in 1999 at a 66/99 show Mike Stax organized in San Diego. They continue to play today at garage rock shows in Europe as well as the States with Little Steven and the Electric Prunes. The band's music was largely described as a blend of 1960s-style garage rock with a distinguishable rolling San Francisco sound. The group's early music appeared to contain blues influences, and later it developed psychedelic elements through use of instrumental experimentation. Ed Cobb was well-known as their producer. The band also appeared in the 1967 film Riot on Sunset Strip and the 1968 film "The Love Ins"

The Chocolate Watchband's founding line-up consisted of members:

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Mark Loomis
с 1965 до 1967
с 1968 до 1969 Неизвестно
Sean Tolby
с 1966 до 1969 Неизвестно
William Flores
с 1966 до 1969 Неизвестно
Gary Andrijasevich
с 1966 до 1967 Ударная установка
с 1968 до 1969 Ударная установка
David Aguilar
с 1966 до 1967 Ведущий вокал
Ned Torney
с 1965 до 1965
с 1968 до 1969 Неизвестно
Danny Phay
с 1965 до 1965
с 1968 до 1969 Неизвестно
Rich Young
с 1965 до 1965
Jo Kemling
с 1965 до 1965
Pete Curry
с 1965 до 1965
Tim Abbott
с 1967 до 1967 Неизвестно
Mark Whittaker
с 1967 до 1967 Неизвестно
Chris Flinders
с 1967 до 1967 Неизвестно

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