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История The Caravans

1983 / Настоящее время

История The Caravans

The Caravans are more an uptempo, melodic Rockabilly band than typical Psycho stuff. But their regular appearances on so many different Psychobilly compilation albums & Psychobilly festivals that you have to name them with the top of the cream.

Originally formed in 1984,the Caravans were a five peace band lead by Mark Pennington (v/b)& Rich Caso (g). Other members were Lee Barnett (d) & two rhythm guitars played by Darren Frances & Brian Gillman. They started to support major acts and worked hard to release their own stuff. After some songs were taken for different Rockabilly / Psychobilly compilation albums, they debuted with the EP "On The Rocks" in 1988, which featured the classic " More Whiskey".

Activated by all the success, the Caravans traveled all over Europe and toured Japan together with the Guana Batz. They also played at the Charlotte alldayer and the Big Rumble late in the 90´s. From the original lineup only M. Pennington survived, now playing lead guitar. He´s accompanied by Ritchie Taylor (d) and former Demented Are Go member "Choppy" Lambourne (b) these days.

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