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1998 June / Present


GO!GO!7188 (go go nana ichi hachi hachi), also known as GO!GO! 7188 and simply Gogo, was a Japanese rock band with a strong surf influence. The band was formed in June of 1998 by Yumi Nakashima (nicknamed Yuu) and Akiko Hamada (nicknamed Akko), both alumnae of the same year at Shoyo High School in Kagoshima, Kyushu. The band's drummer, Turkey (real name Takayuki Hosokawa), a native of Mitoyo, Shikoku, joined in 1999 and they debuted on Breast/milia, a division of Capitol Records (Toshiba-EMI) in 2000. The meaning of the band's name is known only to its members. The band announced they were disbanding in 2012.

Yuu composed the music, Akko wrote the lyrics, and the band arranged the songs. Yuu was the main vocalist and guitarist with Akko playing bass guitar and providing backup vocals. In addition to drums, Turkey would sometimes provide a scream or other such vocalization. In the song "Ban Ban Ban" featured on the cover album Tora no Ana, he took up lead vocals.

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since 1998 till 2012 Lead vocal, Guitar
since 1998 till 2012 Background vocals, Bass
since 1999 till 2012 Drum set

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