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1977 / Present


Brno, the city in the Czech Republic, was the place where in 1968 Pavel Váně and Zdeněk Kluka founded together the rock group “Progress Organization.”

The first LP of Progress Organization, called “Barnodaj,” was hailed by the critics as the “Best Album of 1971.” During the seventies when the process of “normalization” was under way in Czechoslovakia, the group used to play only “occasionally,” but was able to release another very successfull album called “Barnodaj – Mauglí,” based on the book by Rudyard Kipling.

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Pavel Váně
since 1977 till 1980
since 1992
Zdeněk Kluka
since 1977 till 1987
since 1992
Pavel Pelc
since 1977 till 1987
since 1992 till 2021
Miloš Morávek
since 1977 till 1983
since 2005
Ivan Manolov
since 1992 till 2005 Unknown
Borek Nedorost
since 1992 till 2005 Unknown
Aleš Bajger
since 1983 till 1987 Unknown
Roman Dragoun
since 1980 till 1983 Unknown
Peter Peteraj
since 1983 till 1985 Unknown
Milan Nytra
since 1985 till 1987 Unknown
Karel Horký
since 1977 till 1979

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