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2013 April / Present


There are many artists called Limbo: (1) is an italian gothic electronic/crossover act. (2) is a Raleigh ska/metal band. (3) is a Czech free jazz group. (4) is a psychedelic band from Port Huron, Michigan, (5) is an avant-garde band from Istanbul, Turkey, (6) is a Polish blues band.(7) Ukrainian grincore band, (8) Czech Band from Kopřivnice - Funky - Rock, (9) is a swedish popband from the late 80s, (10) is a rock band from Vila Franca de Xira, Portugal, (11) is an American rapper from Los Angeles, (12) is original soundtrack from the game named Limbo

Limbo (1) Formed in 1984 as the brainchild of Tuscan artist Gianluca Becuzzi (vocals, synthesisers, programming and songwriting) and the two fellow art students Bruno Farese (synthesisers) and Carlo Mallegni (bass synthesiser).

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