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21 May 1961


Rachelle Ferrell began singing at the age of six, which contributed to the "development of her startling six-and-change octave range." Her range also includes the ability to reach the whistle register, as stated in an editorial review in which she references her whistle note in "It only took a minute" as "Minnie Riperton-like wailing". She received classical training on violin at an early age and by the time she was a teen, she was able to play the piano at a professional level. She enrolled in Berklee College of Music in Boston where she honed her musical abilities in arrangement, singing and songwriting.

Ferrell's 1992 eponymous debut album was released on Capitol Records and had a more contemporary/pop ambience. She, however, was also able to release jazz recordings on Blue Note Records, as a result of her unique contract.

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