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Joe Lynn Turner concerts

Joe Lynn Turner upcoming concerts

Information about Joe Lynn Turner

Joe Lynn Turner is currently not performing live..

Joe Lynn Turner (JLT), born Joseph Linquito August 2, 1951 in Hackensack, New Jersey, is a melodic hard rock singer best known for his work with Rainbow, Yngwie Malmsteen and his brief stint in Deep Purple. He played the accordion as a child, grew up with an appreciation for classic R&B and became an accomplished guitarist in his early teens. He was ranked 84th in Hit Parader's "Heavy Metal's All-Time 100 Vocalists".

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Past Events

Few past concerts by Joe Lynn Turner

Apr 2019
Apr 2019
Apr 2019
Oct 2020
Oct 2020


Information about tickets

Information about tickets to Joe Lynn Turner concerts

MusicHearts does not sell Joe Lynn Turner concert tickets, we show which official ticket operator has them available with the option to purchase. We act as an aggregator, choosing and showing the best deals.
We recommend buying an electronic ticket (e-ticket). It can be purchased and paid directly on the operator's website, printed out and brought to the concert with a printout (don't forget your passport). So visiting the Joe Lynn Turner concert will be as comfortable as possible.