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Tyketto concerts

Tyketto upcoming concerts

Sep 2024

Information about Tyketto

Currently the group Tyketto on tour with concerts. You can get acquainted with the upcoming performances of the group, buy tickets, find out the addresses of concert venues and other information on our website..

Tyketto were an American heavy rock band of the 1990s who never achieved the success they felt they deserved. The group was put together in 1987 by former Waysted vocalist Danny Vaughn. Brooke St James (Guitar), Jimi Kennedy (Bass) and Micheal Clayton (Drums) completed the lineup.

By 1990 the band had signed to Geffen Records, and released their debut album "Don't Come Easy". Musically, it was somewhere between Whitesnake and Bon Jovi, with Tyketto opening for the former on many bills. However, the rise of the 'grunge' sound in 1991 saw Tyketto's hopes of the big breakthrough begin to recede. Jimi left the band and was replaced by Jamie Scott. Their second album was rejected by Geffen and finally emerged in 1994 under the title "Strength In Numbers" on CMC in the USA and Music for Nations elsewhere in the world.

The following year Vaughn left the band to look after his wife, who had developed cancer, and was replaced by former Tall Stories vocalist Steve Augeri. Tyketto's sound began to move more towards a Journey-type style (Augeri would later become lead vocalist for Journey), and this line-up released "Shine" in 1995, again on CMC / Music for Nations. However, dwindling audiences and the changing landscape of the rock industry saw the band disband in 1996, releasing "Take Out & Served Up Live" as a swansong, having never really broken through. The various band members went onto other projects, most notably Danny, Micheal and Jamie would reunite in Vaughn

In 2004 Tyketto reformed for a reunion tour with the full original lineup.

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Past Events

Few past concerts by Tyketto


Information about tickets

Information about tickets to Tyketto concerts

MusicHearts does not sell Tyketto concert tickets, we show which official ticket operator has them available with the option to purchase. We act as an aggregator, choosing and showing the best deals.
We recommend buying an electronic ticket (e-ticket). It can be purchased and paid directly on the operator's website, printed out and brought to the concert with a printout (don't forget your passport). So visiting the Tyketto concert will be as comfortable as possible.