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Nearly 10,000 days and nights have passed since the great Nordic god, Odin, ripped open the sky and positioned the sun to reveal lead vocalist Randy O., guitarist Jeff Duncan, bassist Aaron Sampson, and drummer Shawn Duncan in the limelight. As a heavy metal brigade collectively known by his namesake, Odin has come to represent the god’s primordial attributes of magic, fury, and excitement. The band also possesses his well known command of war and battle.

In the heady days of 1980s Los Angeles, the concert stages Odin played were a killing floor in the band’s meteoric rise to become the most dominant hard rock/metal act of the west coast southland. An unstoppable force that sold out nearly every major venue in the sprawling metropolis of Los Angeles, including The Roxy, Whisky A-Go-Go, The Troubadour, and Chuck Landis’ Country Club, Odin is the only unsigned band as a headliner to have shattered attendance records on multiple nights at both Gazarri’s on the Sunset Strip and The Palace (now The Avalon). By the time their landmark Don’t Take No For An Answer Ep was released in ’85, Odin had landed lucrative opening slots for some of the most successful bands of the era including Warrant, W.A.S.P., Ratt, Tesla, Dokken, Armored Saint, Bang Tango and Keel.

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